docteure Couette

Dr Couette

Dr Couette? Because of her ponytails? Or because she likes to take a nap? Accompanied by her mouse Lili, she takes everyone gently and cheerfully into her fantasy world. And who knows... maybe she will discover a ladybird between her toes?


  • Lausanne University Hospital, CHUV
  • Riviera-Chablais Hospital, Rennaz
  • Delafontaine Foundation (La Violette, Les Matines, Les Semailles, L’Orée), Mont-sur-Lausanne
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I was hospitalized several times and every time I saw Bidule, Lili PoP, Couette and the others, I was happy and felt alive. They accompanied me in very complicated moments and that helped me a lot and marked me! Theodora Foundation is a foundation that I love with all my heart.

Getti Bohnenblust
Getti Bohnenblust
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