9 new Giggle Doctors visit children in hospital Discover them!
The Theodora Foundation was founded in 1993 with one goal: To give children in hospitals and in institutions for children with disabilities laughter, joy and precious moments of entertainment. Every week, the foundation organises and finances visits by professional artists – the Giggle Doctors – to hospitals and specialist care centers.
With each visit, the Giggle Doctors open a window to the world of imagination of the little patients by spontaneously responding to their individual needs. The children thus find a way back into their world of laughter and play, sometimes with the participation of their parents.
The Theodora Foundation is a founding member of the European Federation of Healthcare Clown Organizations (EFHCO).

In memory of their mother Théodora, André and his brother Jan Poulie established the Theodora Foundation in 1993.

Thanks to the generous support of private donors and partners, thousands of children are visited by the Giggle Doctors every year. Thank you for enabling us to continue our mission.

With great personal commitment and passion, each team member is dedicated to brightening the everyday lives of children in hospital with joy and laughter. The team consists of artists, administrative staff and our valued volunteers.

In order to be able to fulfil its mission with children in hospitals and specialist care centers, the support of our partners is indispensable for the Theodora Foundation. We seek no government subsidies of any kind nor do we request financial support from the hospitals and specialist care centers.

Laughter without borders
Supporting the idea that laughter is universal, the Theodora Foundation Switzerland is at the origin of a network of independent associations and foundations also bearing the name Theodora and acting in the same philosophy. This network is active in three European countries: England, Spain and Italy. Through its «Solidarity Switzerland» program, the Theodora Foundation also partially finances the activities of «cousin» foundations (pursuing the same goal) in Belarus and Hong Kong. Each year, these five foundations make a total of more than 140,000 visits by Giggle Doctors to hospitalized children.

The Academy was founded in late 2015 to support the sustainable growth of the Théodora Foundation and meet the changing needs of its different areas. Its mission is to encourage a shared vision, reinforce the Foundation’s core values, and cultivate the exchange of knowledge and social skills within the team.