Regular visits in hospitals

Giggle Doctors are special doctors who bring dreams to life with fun and laughter. Their precious visits take place every week in 32 hospitals and one children’s hospice in Switzerland. Tailored to individual needs and the condition of each child, Giggle Doctors spontaneously use their imagination power to stage a fitting act that not only brings cheer and laughter to little patients, but at the same time allows them to slip back into the fantasy world of children.

These are our Giggle Doctors
docteure Zarbouille et docteur Flash

Multidisciplinary training

We take the training of the Giggle Doctors very seriously, ensuring the safety of the Giggle Doctors, hospital staff, and the children we visit and their families. During their intensive 1 year training, Giggle Doctors cover both clinical training such as infection control and artistic training, which helps them to adapt their artistic skills to the hospital environment.

Find out more
Corinne Ghaber, Maître d'enseignement à l'Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source

Giggle doctors

docteure Didou

Dr Didou

A little mouse sits on her hat. It is her memory, whispering lots of stories to her. Dr Didou sometimes sings them, accompanied by her guitar. She lives on a tree, which she sprinkles with rainbow bubbles and where she picks colourful balloons, which she transforms depending on the encounter.

docteure Double Croche

Dr Double Croche

Dr Double Croche is sometimes a bit clumsy. Absent-minded and teasing, she is not always completely down to earth. Manolo, her tame little monkey, occasionally pulls her by the ears to get her back on her feet or to steal her a few peanuts.

Theodora Foundation Dr Farfalla

Dr Farfalla

Dr Farfalla sometimes has a bird in her head, uh sorry, on her head and sometimes a dragon on her coat, uh sorry, inside her blouse, who wants to learn to breathe fire. But she always has a ukulele, a flute, a fiddle or bagpipes with her.

Theodora Foundation Dr Firlefanz

Dr Firlefanz

Firlefanz likes things to be colourful and sometimes they can be a bit crazy, too. She also likes to sit on trees and dangle her legs – unfortunately there are so few trees in the hospitals... Instead, she likes to bring flowers. They grow on her coat, out of her head and out of her shoes – and no, it's CERTAINLY not because they smell!

Theodora Foundation Dr Floh

Dr Floh

Dr Floh sings and hums with passion and loves everything that has to do with music and sounds. She has been assisted for years by Eberhard the pig and Gerda. Gerda is her ukulele, which is actually a flea but has disguised itself as a giraffe. Word games, by the way, are another of Dr Floh's passions.

Stiftung Theodora Dr. Föhn

Dr Föhn

Dr Föhn impresses as a master for every mood. As a star of the air, he brings a breath of fresh air into the room and lets the children float on cloud nine thanks to his slapstick interludes. But beware, the whirlwind can also do something else: his bird-like guitar sounds are a gentle contrast to the rattling of his propeller cap.

Theodora Foundation Dr Fridolin

Dr Fridolin

Dr Fridolin is always on the move. He loves the sea, the beach and sweet idleness. He enjoys the tiniest little things and good food and knows many crazy stories from his travels. Whether these are true or just well invented does not really matter to him.

Theodora Foundation Dr. Gili-Gili

Dr Gili Gili

On her visits, Dr Gili Gili is accompanied by the Gili-Mobile and her guitar. For her, every single visit is unique and rich in the most diverse feelings. If she learns right away or afterwards that her visit has brought about something beautiful, encouraging or cheerful, Dr Gili Gili is happy.

Theodora Foundation Dr Grunz

Dr Grunz

Dr Grunz experiences each visit with the children in a unique way. During these trips to dreamland, she gets caught up in a game, not knowing where it will lead. For her, the trust that the children place in the Giggle Doctors during these moments of escape is very touching.

Dr Gugus

Soon, find out more about the personality and universe of the Giggle Doctor Gugus.

Theodora Foundation Dr Hahallo

Dr Hahallo

Dr Hahallo's coat is inspired by Hawaii with flowers, the sea, the palm trees and a big sun as a symbol of joy of life and love. She has friends all over the world. She is warm, curious, playful, confused, skittish, greedy and sometimes a bit shy.

Theodora Foundation Dr Hatschi

Dr Hatschi

Dr Hatschi usually senses immediately what kind of action is appropriate during his visit – be it a clever magic trick, a good joke, a funny role play or maybe just a pleasant conversation that brings some variety into the daily hospital routine of the young patients.

Mr and Ms Dream

Specialist care centre