9 new Giggle Doctors visit children in hospital Discover them!
Regular visits in hospitals
Giggle Doctors are special doctors who bring dreams to life with fun and laughter. Their precious visits take place every week in 32 hospitals and one children’s hospice in Switzerland. Tailored to individual needs and the condition of each child, Giggle Doctors spontaneously use their imagination power to stage a fitting act that not only brings cheer and laughter to little patients, but at the same time allows them to slip back into the fantasy world of children.

Multidisciplinary training
We take the training of the Giggle Doctors very seriously, ensuring the safety of the Giggle Doctors, hospital staff, and the children we visit and their families. During their intensive 1 year training, Giggle Doctors cover both clinical training such as infection control and artistic training, which helps them to adapt their artistic skills to the hospital environment.

Our programs
The Giggle Doctors

Operation Dreams

Emergency Giggles

Mr and Ms Dream
Specialist care centre