Dr Kiko from the Theodora Foundation

Dr Kiko

Dr Kiko can do body percussion! Whenever he starts to sound, the eyes of both young and old light up. He also always brings a trick or a little guitar, a pan flute, either he does pantomime or he blows soap bubbles... lots of soap bubbles. From the smallest to the biggest... and, and, and...!


  • Balgrist University Clinic, Zurich
  • Winterthur Cantonal Hospital, KSW
  • Cantonal Hospital Baden, KSB
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Thank you Dr Kiko for your visit on Tuesday at the Kantonsspital Winterthur. You put a smile on my son Liam’s face and on mine as well. Thank you so much for being there🙏🏻🥳.

Nina and Liam Trachsel
Nina Trachsel, Mother

Contact Dr Kiko

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    Meet another giggle doctor

    Hello Dr Klein
    Dr Klein from the Theodora Foundation