The Giggle Doctors

Each Giggle Doctor has basic artistic training – such as magic, theatre, music, mime. They are trained and accompanied by the Theodora Foundation according to the Code of Ethics.

The training to become a Giggle Doctor is realised in close cooperation with the College of Health “La Source”. The theoretical part consists of various courses on the hospital environment, with a special focus on the hygiene measures to be observed. It also includes a series of artistic workshops. Acquiring, maintaining and developing the skills of the artists are of central importance to the Foundation.

Discover all Giggle Doctors
docteure Zarbouille et docteur Flash


To make the weekly visits of the 75 Giggle Doctors possible, about thirty employees work full and part time in the offices in Hunzenschwil (AG) and Lonay (VD). The Theodora Foundation can also count on the valuable help of around 80 volunteers throughout Switzerland.

Meet our team
Collaborateurs Fondation Théodora


The Management consists of the two founders André and Jan Poulie and the Secretary General Olivier Taverney. The Management reports to the Foundation Board and is advised in a supportive capacity by the Foundation Board Committee.

To the Management of the Foundation
André et Jan Poulie Fondateurs de la Fondation Théodora


The Theodora Foundation counts on the support of a total of 80 volunteers from all over Switzerland.

Become a volunteer
Devenir bénévole